December Dedicated to the Immaculate Conception

Canonical Hours of the Day

In addition to the celebration of daily mass, St. Benedict directs the monks that we should come together in choir to celebrate the canonical hours seven times a day, thus sanctifying every moment of daily life. The prayer of the church is the strength of our unity with the whole body of Christ which is the church faithful throughout the world. The canonical hours of the day consist of psalms and numerous readings from the Bible and fathers of the church. The office signifies our waiting for the glorious second coming of Christ.

Monday – Friday

4:30 AM – Rise (Morning Prayer)
6:00 AM – Lauds (Day Prayer)
7:00 AM – Conventual Daily Mass
12:15 PM – Sext (Midday Prayer)
2:00 PM – None (Afternoon Prayer)
5:30 PM – Vespers (Evening Prayer)
7:00 PM – Rosary
7:15 PM – Compline (Final Prayer of the Day)
8:30 PM – Grand Silence Begins / Eucharistic Vigil

Our Work Schedule

6:30 AM – Breakfast
7:00-8:00 AM – Conventual Mass / Latin Rite-Extraordinary Form
8:30-11:00 AM – Manual Labor / Each monk has specific duties
12:30 AM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Meditation or Private Time
2:30-5:00 PM – Manual Labor
6:00 PM – Supper – Interval For Private Time
8:00 PM – Private Time & Retire
8:30 PM – Eucharistic Vigil / The Night Watch

Saturday, Sunday & Feast Days

6:15 AM – Rise
6:45 AM – Lauds
10:20 AM – Terce
10:30 AM – Conventual Mass
12:15 PM – Sext
2:15 PM – None
5:30 PM – Vespers
7:00 PM – Rosary
7:15 PM – Compline, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
8:30 PM – Grand Silence Begins / Eucharistic Vigil

The Eucharistic Vigil/Night Watch: Throughout the night the monks take turn to spend time in visitation of the eucharist until the first bell of the morning announcing the call to morning prayer, Lauds.

The morning office of praise, is in harmony with the natural glory of dawn. Lauds is our daily celebration of the victory of light over darkness, which is an image of Christ’s victory over death by his resurrection.

The working day is punctuated by short “little” hours. These offices listed above are still named according to the Roman clock.