December Dedicated to the Immaculate Conception

Benedictine Congregation

Our Consecrated life is guided and inspired by the life and rule of Saint Benedict known as the founder of western monasticism as we know it today. Our house is known as a Monastery, we are a foundation of the Benedictine Congregation of The Holy Spirit. As part of the world wide structure of Benedictines. Our Benedictine Community was founded on the feast of Christ the King in November of 1987.

Ordo Sancti Benedicti

The Benedictine Congregation is not a centralized Order governed from Rome, Monte Cassino, or Subiaco. The Benedictine order spreads outwards from its established Monasteries to all parts of the world. It is built up from individual and autonomous Abbeys, Monasteries or Priories, which are the houses of the great Benedictine Monastic Structure. These houses are loosely grouped together in what are called Congregations. These Congregations are groups of Abbeys united to assist one another in their monastic observance and to preserve the tranquility of order of the Rule of Saint Benedict. Each Abbey in the Congregation has its own individual history, its own traditions and customs and its own form of self supporting works.

All Benedictine monks live according to the spirit of the Rule of Saint Benedict, but they interpret it differently and accommodate their daily time schedules and the details of their life to suit the individuality of their house and the environment in which they live.

Our community being a Catholic Order follows the guide lines as outlined by the Congregation of Religious Foundations. This is in compliance with the consecrated life the Catholic Church teaches and as part of the historical monastic tradition of the Rule and Councils of Saint Benedict. Because we are a non canonical community, we are not subject to any local bishop or ordinary. The Community is not listed under any Diocesan list of religious orders. Through our Baptism we are faithful to the Magisterium and to the Holy Father, who is the Vicar of Christ on earth. In an openness of heart we follow the traditions and faith handed down to us through the Gospels and the early Church Fathers. Thus proclaim we are a Parable of Community.

The Lord Christ, in his compassion and his love for you, has chosen you to be in the Church as a sign of brotherly love. It is his will that with your brothers you live the parable of community. So, refusing to look back, and joyful with infinite gratitude, never fear to rise to meet the dawn, praising, blessing and singing Christ your Lord.